My first internship was at the fashion company ‘Marmelstein’, where I came to learn lots about photography and photo editing. An experience which taught me a lot about being precise and knowing how to make clothing look good on photo. Another important lesson was copywriting. Writing tons of product descriptions and also an e-mail survey for the customers, proving myself to understand customer language. Observing and working with my internship leader, the founder of Marmelstein herself, provided me with many valuable lessons too: Showing me how to handle customers with care, and her process of designing fashion items.
For the perfumes, cushions and bags Marmelstein sold, I made some campaign shots. I photographed them and edited them.
Throughout my internship I gained lots of experience editing clothing. I made sure to make them look flawless for on the website. And if the item would be sold in a different color, I would edit them to exactly match the fabric and to look realistic.
I have done lots of these type of product descriptions for on the website where I visualize how the product could be worn.